1. Store Upgrades
    1. Attack Upgrades
      1. Wepon Upgrade
        1. Rate of fire x1
          1. Rate of fire x 2
          2. Strike Force x1
          3. Handling x1
      2. Amuniton Upgrade
        1. Holow Point
          1. Shock
          2. Explosive
          3. Toxin
      3. Mele Upgrade
        1. Shock
          1. Stunn
          2. Melt
          3. Flame
    2. Defence Multiplier
      1. Impact Resistance
        1. KevlarCarbon
          1. Dragon Skin
          2. D30
      2. Health Upgrade
        1. BloodUp x1
          1. BloodUp x2
          2. ReJen x1
    3. Human Acceleration
      1. Speed
        1. Legs of blur
          1. Arms of Ninja
          2. Suite of kickass
      2. Agility
        1. Boots of speed
          1. Toes of Jam
          2. Glove of grip
    4. Tec Advances
      1. Sence
        1. Ultrasonic Range Finder
          1. Sonar Sensor
          2. Vibration Sensor
          3. Spitral3/3/3
          4. GPS
        2. Thermal Vision
          1. Vital Visual
      2. Tactial
        1. Flare
          1. Lazor Show
          2. Fire Band
          3. Shock Band
    5. Advanced purchases
      1. Physical Enhancement
        1. Marrbow
          1. ReByould
          2. Fybunch
      2. Conative Enhancement
        1. React
          1. TriAct
          2. Biact
  2. Forge
    1. Tec
    2. Movement
    3. Defence
    4. Attack
  3. Taraining
    1. Physical
    2. Mental
  4. Wepons
    1. Assult
      1. SMG
        1. Extended Clip
          1. Silencer
          2. Scope
          3. Grip
          4. But
          5. Lazor&Light
      2. Shotgun
        1. Extended Clip
          1. Silencer
          2. Scope
          3. Grip
          4. But
          5. Lazor&Light
    2. Attack
      1. M4A1
        1. Extended Clip
          1. Silencer
          2. Scope
          3. Grip
          4. But
          5. Lazor&Light
      2. Battle Rifle
        1. Extended Clip
          1. Silencer
          2. Scope
          3. Grip
          4. But
          5. Lazor&Light
    3. Combat
      1. Glove of Crush
        1. Subtopic 1
          1. Subtopic 1
          2. Subtopic 1
      2. Short Sword
        1. Refined Blade
          1. Extended Grip
          2. Hardware Link
          3. Isolator
      3. Spear Sword
        1. Refined Blade
          1. Extended Grip
          2. Hardware Link
          3. Isolator
      4. Ring Sword
        1. Refined Blade
          1. Extended Grip
          2. Hardware Link
          3. Isolator
      5. Axe of Power
        1. Refined Blade
          1. Extended Grip
          2. Hardware Link
          3. Isolator
      6. Shield of Reflection
        1. Subtopic 1
          1. Subtopic 1
          2. Subtopic 1
    4. Range
      1. Sniper
        1. Extended Clip
          1. Silencer
          2. Scope
          3. Grip
          4. But
          5. Lazor&Light
      2. DMR
        1. Extended Clip
          1. Silencer
          2. Scope
          3. Grip
          4. But
          5. Lazor&Light
    5. Hevey
      1. LMG
        1. Extended Clip
          1. Silencer
          2. Scope
          3. Grip
          4. But
          5. Lazor&Light
      2. Gren launcher
        1. Extended Clip
          1. Silencer
          2. Scope
          3. Grip
          4. But
          5. Lazor&Light
    6. Special
      1. Missile Launcher
        1. Extended Clip
          1. Scope
          2. Grip
          3. But
          4. Lazor&Light
      2. Gauss Canon
        1. Extended Clip
          1. Scope
          2. Grip
          3. But
          4. Lazor&Light
  5. Skills
    1. Helth
      1. Nano Blood
        1. Subtopic 1
          1. Subtopic 1
          2. Subtopic 1
          3. Subtopic 2
          4. Subtopic 1
    2. Energy
      1. Quantim Regen
        1. Subtopic 1
          1. Subtopic 1
        2. Subtopic 2
          1. Subtopic 1
    3. Strenth
      1. S.A.M
        1. Subtopic 1
          1. Subtopic 1
          2. Subtopic 1
          3. Subtopic 2
          4. Subtopic 1
    4. Speed
      1. S.M.A.R.T
        1. Subtopic 1
          1. Subtopic 1
          2. Subtopic 1
          3. Subtopic 2
          4. Subtopic 1
    5. Illusion
      1. Serialism
        1. Subtopic 1
          1. Subtopic 1
          2. Subtopic 2
    6. Intelegents
      1. Jaded Neglegents
        1. Subtopic 1
          1. Subtopic 1
        2. Subtopic 2
          1. Subtopic 1
    7. Spirit
      1. Self Awareness
        1. Subtopic 1
          1. Subtopic 1
        2. Subtopic 2
          1. Subtopic 1
    8. Is its own Complement
    9. Defines overall style of game play
    10. Effect Each other
    11. Is a third party Style of game play (Yet to be Defined)
  6. Asthetics
    1. Race
      1. Huuman
        1. Good
          1. Evil
        2. Effected by Intelligent and Spirit, and background of character
      2. Gender
        1. Male
          1. Female
      3. Sententious
        1. Heavanian
          1. Helisious
          2. Give an increase to Health Energy and Illusion and back ground of character
    2. Class
      1. Attack
      2. Defence
      3. Support
      4. Range
    3. Build
    4. Features
    5. Colours
  7. Armor
    1. Hevey
      1. Torso Gaud
        1. Upper Arm
          1. Gauntlets
        2. Helmet
          1. Legs
          2. Boots
    2. Modular
      1. Subtopic 1
      2. Subtopic 2
    3. Light
      1. Chest Peice
        1. Helmet
          1. Sholders
          2. Arm
          3. Gauntlet
        2. Abb Plate
          1. Thys
          2. Boots