1. AR Figure 66 – Zygomatic bone: Disarticulated view, Augmented Illustration by B. Leahu – MD. This image is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0).
    1. The zygomatic bone articulates with:
      1. The Frontal bone
      2. The Sphenoid bone,
      3. The Maxilla,
      4. The Frontal bone,
      5. The Temporal bone
  2. AR Figure 67 – Zygomatic bone: Anterior view, Augmented Illustration by B. Leahu – MD. This image is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0).
    1. Zygomatic bone:
      1. The zygomatic bone is a paired bone that forms the cheek’s prominence and the orbit’s lateral wall. (1)
    2. Lateral surface of zygomatic bone:
      1. The lateral surface of the zygomatic bone is convex and smooth. It forms the bone’s outer surface. (1)
    3. Frontal process of zygomatic bone:
      1. The frontal process of the zygomatic bone is a thin, elongated bony projection that extends superior, taking part in the formation of the lateral wall of the orbit. (1)
    4. Orbital tubercle: 
      1. The orbital tubercle is a bony projection positioned on the frontal process of the zygomatic bone. It provides an attachment site for the orbicularis oculi muscle. (1)
    5. Temporal process of zygomatic bone: 
      1. The temporal process of zygomatic bone is a bony projection positioned on the lateral surface of the zygomatic bone. It articulates with the zygomatic process of the temporal bone. (1)
    6. Zygomaticofacial foramen:
      1. The zygomaticofacial foramen is a small opening on the lateral surface of the zygomatic bone. (1)
  3. AR Figure 68 – Zygomatic bone: Posterior view, Augmented Illustration by B. Leahu – MD. This image is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0).
    1. Temporal surface of zygomatic bone:
      1. The temporal surface of the zygomatic bone is the inner surface of the bone. It faces the temporal bone and takes part in the formation of the temporal fossa. (1)
    2. Marginal tubercle:
    3. Zygomaticotemporal foramen:
      1. The zygomaticotemporal foramen is a small opening or foramen located in the centre of the temporal surface. (1)
  4. AR Figure 69 – Zygomatic bone: Orbital surface, Augmented Illustration by B. Leahu – MD. This image is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0).
    1. Orbital surface of zygomatic bone:
      1. The orbital surface of the zygomatic bone is a surface of the bone that takes part in the formation of the lateral wall of the orbit (1)
    2. Zygomatico-orbital foramen:
      1. The zygomatic-orbital foramen is a small opening on the lateral wall of the orbit. (1)