1. Topic
    1. Topic
  2. Topic
  3. 4. 整合管理 Integration
    1. 專案計畫書發展 Project Plan Development
      1. Input
        1. 其他計畫書之產出 Other planning outputs
        2. 歷史性資料 Historical information
        3. 組織政策 Organizational policies
        4. 限制條件 Constraints
        5. 假設事項 Assumptions
      2. T&T
        1. 專案規劃方法論 Project planning methodology
        2. 利害關係人之技巧及知識 Stakeholder skills & knowledge
        3. 專案管理資訊系統 Project management information system
        4. 實獲值管理法 Earned Value Management (EVM)
      3. Output
        1. 專案計畫書 Project Plan
        2. 支援細節 Supporting detail
    2. 專案計畫書執行 Project Plan Execution
      1. Input
        1. 專案計畫書 Project plan
        2. 支援細節 Supporting detail
        3. 組織政策 Organizational policies
        4. 預防行動 Preventive action
        5. 修正行動 Corrective action
      2. T&T
        1. 一般管理技巧 General management skills
        2. 產品技巧及知識 Product skills and knowledge
        3. 工作授權系統 Work authorization system
        4. 現況審查會議 Status review meetings
        5. 專案管理資訊系統 Project management information system
        6. 組織程序 Organizational procedures
      3. Output
        1. 工作結果 Work results
        2. 變更請求 Change requests
    3. 整合變更控制 Integrated Change Control
      1. Input
        1. 專案計畫書 Project plan
        2. 績效報告 Performance reports
        3. 變更請求 Change requests
      2. T&T
        1. 變更控制系統 Change control system
        2. 型態管理 Configuration management
        3. 績效評量 Performance measurement
        4. 額外的計畫 Additional planning
        5. 專案管理資訊系統 Project management information system
      3. Output
        1. 更新專案計畫書 Project plan updates
        2. 修正行動 Corrective action
        3. 經驗學習 Lessons learned
  4. 5. 範疇管理 Scope
    1. 專案起始 Initiation
      1. Input
        1. 產品說明Product description
        2. 策略計畫Strategic plan
        3. 專案選擇準則Project selection criteria
        4. 歷史性資料Historical information
      2. T&T
        1. 專家選擇方法Project selection methods
        2. 專家判斷Expert judgment
      3. Output
        1. 專案核准證明Project charter
        2. 專案經理確認/指派 Project Manager identified and assigned
        3. 限制條件Constraints
        4. 假設事項Assumptions
    2. 範疇規劃 Scope Planning
      1. Input
        1. 產品說明Product description
        2. 專案核准說明Project charter
        3. 限制條件Constraints
        4. 假設事項Assumptions
      2. T&T
        1. 產品分析Product analysis
        2. 利潤/成本分析Benefit/cost analysis
        3. 備選方法辨識Alternatives identification
        4. 專家判斷Expert judgment
      3. Output
        1. 範疇聲明Scope statement
        2. 支援細節Supporting detail
        3. 範疇管理計畫Scope Management Plan
    3. 範疇定義 Scope Definition
      1. Input
        1. 範疇聲明Scope statement
        2. 限制條件Constraints
        3. 假設事項Assumptions
        4. 其他規劃的產出Other planning outputs
        5. 歷史性資料Historical information
      2. T&T
        1. WBS之範本Work breakdown structure templates
        2. 分解Decomposition
      3. Output
        1. 工作分解結構Breakdown Structure
        2. 範疇聲明更新Scope statement updates
    4. 範疇驗證 Scope Verification
      1. Input
        1. 工作結果Work results
        2. 產品文件Product documentation
        3. 工作分解結構(WBS)Work breakdown structure
        4. 範疇聲明Scope statement
        5. 專案計畫書Project plan
      2. T&T
        1. 檢查Inspection
      3. Output
        1. 正式接受Formal acceptance
    5. 範疇變更控制 Scope Change Control
      1. Input
        1. 工作分解結構Work breakdown structure
        2. 績效報告Performance reports
        3. 變更請求Change requests
        4. 範疇管理計畫Scope management plan
      2. T&T
        1. 範疇變更控制系統Scope change control system
        2. 績效評量Performance measurement
        3. 額外的規畫Additional planning
      3. Output
        1. 範疇變更Scope changes
        2. 修正行動Corrective action
        3. 經驗學習Lessons learned
        4. 調整基準Adjusted baseline
  5. 6. 時間管理 Time
    1. 活動定義 Activity Definition
      1. Input
        1. 工作分解結構(WBS)Work breakdown structure
        2. 範疇聲明Scope statement
        3. 歷史性資料Historical information
        4. 限制條件Constraints
        5. 假設事項Assumptions
        6. 專家判斷Expert judgement
      2. T&T
        1. 分解術Decomposition
        2. 參考範本Templates
      3. Output
        1. 活動清單Activity List
        2. 支援細節Supporting detail
        3. 更新之WBS/Work breakdown structure updates
    2. 活動排序 Activity Sequencing
      1. Input
        1. 活動清單Activity list
        2. 產品說明書Product description
        3. 強制依存關係Mandatory dependencies
        4. 刻意依存關係Discretionary dependencies
        5. 外部依存關係External dependencies
        6. 里程碑Milestones
      2. T&T
        1. 順序圖示法Precedence diagramming method (PDM)
        2. 箭頭圖示法Arrow diagramming method (ADM)
        3. 條件圖示法Conditional diagramming methods
        4. 網路圖示範本Network templates
      3. Output
        1. 專案網路圖Project Network diagram
        2. 更新之活動清單Activity list updates
    3. 活動期程估算 Activity Duration Estimating
      1. Input
        1. 活動清單Activity list
        2. 限制條件Constraints
        3. 假設事項Assumptions
        4. 資源需求Resource requirements
        5. 資源能量Resource capabilities
        6. 歷史性資料Historical information
        7. 已辨識之風險Identified risks
      2. T&T
        1. 專家判斷Expert judgment
        2. 類比估算Analogous estimating
        3. 量化期程Quantitatively based durations
        4. 應變預留時間Reserve time (contingency)
      3. Output
        1. 活動期程估算Activity Duration estimates
        2. 評估基礎Basis of estimates
        3. 更新之活動清單Activity list updates
    4. 時程發展 Schedule Development
      1. Input
        1. 專案網路圖Project network diagrams
        2. 活動期程估算Activity duration estimates
        3. 資源使用量Resource requirements
        4. 資源共享說明Resource pool description
        5. 行事曆Calendars
        6. 限制條件Constraints
        7. 假設事項Assumptions
        8. 提前和延遲Leads and lags
        9. 風險管理計畫Risk management plan
        10. 活動屬性Activity attributes
      2. T&T
        1. 數學分析法Mathematical analysis
        2. 期程壓縮法Duration compression
        3. 模擬分析法Simulation
        4. 資源撫平法Resource leveling heuristics
        5. 專案管理軟體Project management software
        6. 編碼結構Coding structure
      3. Output
        1. 專案時程Project schedule
        2. 支援細節Supporting detail
        3. 時程管理計畫Schedule management plan
        4. 更新之資源需求Resource requirement updates
    5. 時程控制 Schedule Control
      1. Input
        1. 專案時程Project schedule
        2. 績效報告Performance reports
        3. 變更請求Change requests
        4. 時程管理計畫Schedule management plan
      2. T&T
        1. 時程變更控制系統Schedule change control system
        2. 績效評量Performance measuremt
        3. 額外的規劃Additional planning
        4. 專案管理軟體Project manaement software
        5. 變異分析Variance analysis
      3. Output
        1. 更新之時程Schedule updates
        2. 更正行動Corrective action
        3. 經驗學習Lessons learned
  6. 7. 成本管理 Cost
    1. 資源規劃 Resource Planning
      1. Input
        1. 工作分解結構(WBS)Work breakdown structure
        2. 歷史性資料Historical information
        3. 範疇聲明Scope statement
        4. 資源共享說明Resource pool descritions
        5. 組織政策Organizational policies
        6. 活動期程預估值Activity duration estimates
      2. T&T
        1. 專家判斷Expert judgment
        2. 備選方法辮識Alternatives identification
        3. 專案管理軟體Project management software
      3. Output
        1. 資源需求Resource requirements
    2. 成本估算 Cost Estimating
      1. Input
        1. 工作分解結構(WBS)Work breakdown structure
        2. 資源需求Resource requirements
        3. 資源單位成本Resource rates
        4. 活動期程預估值Activity duration estimates
        5. 出版品估算Estimating publications
        6. 歷史性資料Historical information
        7. 預算科子目表Chart of accounts
        8. 風險Risks
      2. T&T
        1. 類比估算法Analogous estimating
        2. 參數模型法Parametric modeling
        3. 由下而上之估算法Bottom up estimating
        4. 電腦化工具Computerized tools
        5. 其他成本估算法Other cost estimating methods
      3. Output
        1. 成本預估值Cost estimates
        2. 支援細節Supporting detail
        3. 成本管理計畫Cost management plan
    3. 預算編列 Cost Budgeting
      1. Input
        1. 成本預估值Cost estimates
        2. 工作分解結構(WBS)Work breakdown structure
        3. 專案時程Project schedule
        4. 風險管理計畫Risk management plan
      2. T&T
        1. 成本預估之工具及技術 Cost budgeting tools and techniques
      3. Output
        1. 成本基準Cost baseline
    4. 成本控制 Cost Control
      1. Input
        1. 成本基準Cost baseline
        2. 績效報告Performance reports
        3. 變更請求Change requests
        4. 成本管理計畫Cost management plan
      2. T&T
        1. 成本變更控制系統Cost change control system
        2. 績效評量Performance measurement
        3. 實獲值管理Earned Value Mgt (EVM)
        4. 額外的規劃Additional planning
        5. 電腦化工具Computerized tools
      3. Output
        1. 修正後成本預估值Revised cost estimates
        2. 更新之預算Budget updates
        3. 更正行動Corrective action
        4. 完工成本預估值Estimate at completion
        5. 專案終結Project closeout
        6. 經驗學習Lessons learned
  7. 8. 品質管理 Quality
    1. 品質規劃 Quality Planning
      1. Input
        1. 品質政策Quality policy
        2. 範籌聲明Scope statement
        3. 產品說明Product description
        4. 標準及規範Standards & regulations
        5. 其他程序之產出Other process outputs
      2. T&T
        1. 利潤/成本分析Benefit/cost analysis
        2. 標竿學習Benchmarking
        3. 流程規劃Flow-charting
        4. 實驗設計Design of experiments
        5. 品質成本Cost of quality
      3. Output
        1. 品質管理計畫 Quality management plan
        2. 作業定義Operational definitions
        3. 檢查清單Checklists
        4. 其他過程之投入 Inputs to other processes
    2. 品質確保 Quality Assurance
      1. Input
        1. 品質管理計畫 Quality management plan
        2. 品質管制評量之結果 Results of quality control measurements
        3. 作業定義 Operational definitions
      2. T&T
        1. 品質規劃之工具及技術 Quality planning tools and techniques
        2. 品質稽核 Quality audits
      3. Output
        1. 品質改善 Quality improvement
    3. 品質控制 Quality Control
      1. Input
        1. 工作結果 Work results
        2. 品質管理計畫 Quality management plan
        3. 作業定義 Operational definitions
        4. 檢查清單 Checklists
      2. T&T
        1. 檢查 Inspection
        2. 控制圖 Control charts
        3. 巴瑞多圖 Pareto diagrams
        4. 抽樣統計 Statistical sampling
        5. 流程圖規劃 Flow-charting
        6. 趨勢分析 Trend analysis
      3. Output
        1. 品質改善 Quality improvement
        2. 品質接受決議 Acceptance decisions
        3. 重做 Rework
        4. 完整的檢查清單 Completed checklists
        5. 過程調查 Process adjustments
  8. 9. 人力資源管理 Human Resources
    1. 組織規劃 Organizational Planning
      1. Input
        1. 專案界面Projects interfaces
        2. 用人需求Staffing requirements
        3. 限制條件Constraints
      2. T&T
        1. 範本Templates
        2. 人力資源常規Human resource practices
        3. 組織理論Organizational theory
        4. 利害關係人分析Stakeholder analysis
      3. Output
        1. 任務及責任指派Role and responsibility assignments
        2. 人力運用管理計畫Staffing management plan
        3. 組織圖Organizational Chart
        4. 支援細節Supporting detail
    2. 人員獲得 Staff Acquisition
      1. Input
        1. 人力運用管理計畫Staffing management plan
        2. 人力資源庫說明Staffing pool description
        3. 召募規定Recruitment practices
      2. T&T
        1. 協商Negotiations
        2. 先行任用Preassignment
        3. 勞務外包Procurement
      3. Output
        1. 專案人員派任Project staff assigned
        2. 專案團隊名錄Project team directory
    3. 團隊發展 Team Development
      1. Input
        1. 專案成員Project staff
        2. 專案計畫書Project plan
        3. 人力運用管理計畫Staffing management plan
        4. 績效報告書Performance reports
        5. 外部回饋External feedback
      2. T&T
        1. 團隊發展活動Team building activities
        2. 一般管理技巧Gen mgt skills
        3. 獎勵與表揚制度Reward & recognition system
        4. 合處辦公Collocation
        5. 訓練Training
      3. Output
        1. 績效改善Performance improvements
        2. 績效評鑑之投入Input to performance appraisals
  9. 10. 溝通管理 Communications
    1. 溝通規劃 Communications Planning
      1. Input
        1. 溝通需求Communication requirements
        2. 溝通技術Communications technology
        3. 限制條件Constraints
        4. 假設事項Assumptions
      2. T&T
        1. 利害關係人分析Stakeholder analysis
      3. Output
        1. 溝通管理計畫Communications management plan
    2. 資訊發布 Information Distribution
      1. Input
        1. 工作結果Work results
        2. 溝通管理計畫Communication management plan
        3. 專案計畫書Project plan
      2. T&T
        1. 溝通技巧Communication skills
        2. 資訊擷取系統Information retrieval systems
        3. 資訊發佈方法Information distribution methods
      3. Output
        1. 專案紀錄Project records
        2. 專案報告Project reports
        3. 專案簡報Project presentations
    3. 績效報告 Performance Reporting
      1. Input
        1. 專案計畫書Project plan
        2. 工作結果Work results
        3. 其他之專案紀錄Other project records
      2. T&T
        1. 績效審查Performance reviews
        2. 變異分析Variance analysis
        3. 趨勢分析Trend analysis
        4. 實獲值分析Earned value analysis
        5. 資訊發佈之工具及技術 Information distribution tools and techniques
      3. Output
        1. 績效報告Performance reports
        2. 變更請求Change requests
    4. 結案管理 Administrative Closure
      1. Input
        1. 績效評量文件Performance measurement documentation
        2. 專案產品之文件Product documentation
        3. 其他的專案紀錄Other project records
      2. T&T
        1. 績效報告之工具及技術 Performance reporting tools and techniques
        2. 專案報告Project reports
        3. 專案簡報Project presentations
      3. Output
        1. 專案檔案Project archives
        2. 專案終結Project closure
        3. 經驗學習Lessons learned
  10. 11. 風險管理 Risk
    1. 風險管理規劃 Risk Management Planning
      1. Input
        1. 專案核准證明Project charter
        2. 組織之風險管理政策Organization's risk management policies
        3. 定義角色與責任Defined roles & responsibilities
        4. 利害關係人之風險容忍度Stakeholder risk tolerances
        5. 組織的風險管理計畫範本Template for the organization's risk management plan
        6. 工作分解結構(WBS)Work breakdown structure
      2. T&T
        1. 規劃會議Planning meetings
      3. Output
        1. 風險管理計畫Risk management plan
    2. 風險辨識 Risk Identification
      1. Input
        1. 風險管理計畫Risk management plan
        2. 專案規劃之產出Project planning outputs
        3. 風險類別Risk categories
        4. 歷史性資料Historical information
      2. T&T
        1. 文件審查Documentation reviews
        2. 資訊蒐集技術Information-gathering techniques
        3. 檢查清單Checklists
        4. 假設事項分析Assumptions analysis
        5. 圖解技術Diagramming techniques
      3. Output
        1. 風險Risk
        2. 風險徵兆Triggers
        3. 其他過程之投入Inputs to other processes
    3. 風險定性分析 Qualitative Risk Analysis
      1. Input
        1. 風險管理計畫Risk management plan
        2. 已辨識之風險Identified risks
        3. 專案狀況Project status
        4. 專案類型Project type
        5. 資料之精確度Data precision
        6. 機率與衝擊之衡量尺度Scales of probability and impact
        7. 假設事項Assumptions
      2. T&T
        1. 風險機率與衝擊Risk probability and impact
        2. 機率/衝擊風險評等矩陣 Probability/impact risk rating matrix
        3. 專案假設事項測試Project assumptions testing
        4. 資料精確性評等Data precision ranking
      3. Output
        1. 專案整體風險評等Overall risk ranking for the project
        2. 風險優先等級清單List of prioritized risks
        3. 額外分析與風險管理清單 List of risks for additional analysis and management
        4. 定性風險分析結果趨勢 Trends in qualitative risk analysis results
    4. 風險定量分析 Quantitative Risk Analysis
      1. Input
        1. 風險管理計畫Risk management plan
        2. 已辨識之風險Identified risks
        3. 風險優先等級清單List of prioritized risks
        4. 需額外分析及管理之風險清單 List of risk for additional analysis and management
        5. 歷史性資料Historical information
        6. 專家判斷Expert judgment
        7. 其他規劃之產出Other planning outputs
      2. T&T
        1. 訪談Interviewing
        2. 敏感度分析Sensitivity analysis
        3. 決策樹奔析Decision tree analysis
        4. 模擬Simulation
      3. Output
        1. 定量風險優先等級清單Prioritized list of quantified risks
        2. 專案之機率分析Probabilistic analysis of the project
        3. 達成成本與時間目標之機率Probability of achieving the cost and time objectives
        4. 定量風險分析結果之趨勢Trends in quantitative risk analysis results
    5. 風險回應規劃 Risk Response Planning
      1. Input
        1. 風險管理計畫Risk management plan
        2. 風險的優先清單List of prioritized risks
        3. 專案的風險評等Risk ranking of the project
        4. 定量風險之優先等級清單 Prioritized list of quantified risks
        5. 專案之機率分析Probabilistic analysis of the project
        6. 達成成本與時間目標之機率 Probability of achieving the cost and time objectives
        7. 可能的回應清單List of potential responses
        8. 風險門檻Risk thresholds
        9. 風險的所有人Risk owners
        10. 共同之風險成因Common risk causes
        11. 定性與定量風險分析結果之趨勢Trends in qualitative and quantitative risk analysis results
      2. T&T
        1. 規避Avoidance
        2. 移轉Transference
        3. 減輕Mitigation
        4. 承擔Acceptance
      3. Output
        1. 風險回應計畫Risk response plan
        2. 殘留風險Residual risks
        3. 二度風險Secondary risks
        4. 合約協調Contractual agreements
        5. 應變預備金之需求Contingency reserve amounts needed
        6. 其他過程之投入Inputs to other processes
        7. 更新後之專案計畫書的投入 Inputs to a revised project plan
    6. 風險監控 Risk Monitoring & Control
      1. Input
        1. 風險管理計畫Risk management plan
        2. 風險回應計畫Risk response plan
        3. 專案溝通Project communication
        4. 額外的風險辨識與分析 Additional risk identification & analysis
        5. 範疇變更Scope changes
      2. T&T
        1. 專案風險回應稽核Project risk response audits
        2. 定期的專案風險審查Periodic project risk reviews
        3. 實穫值分析Earned value analysis
        4. 技術績效衡量Technical performance measurement
        5. 額外的風險回應規劃Additional risk response planning
      3. Output
        1. 臨時對策計畫Workaround plans
        2. 更正行動Corrective Action
        3. 專案變更要求Project change requests
        4. 更新之風險回應計畫Updates to the risk response plan
        5. 風險資料庫Risk database
        6. 更新後之風險辯識檢查清單 Updates to risk identification checklists
  11. 12. 採購管理 Procurement
    1. 採購規劃 Procurement Planning
      1. Input
        1. 範疇聲明 Scope statement
        2. 產品說明 Product description
        3. 採購資源 Procurement resources
        4. 市場現況 Market conditions
        5. 其他規劃之產出 Other planning inputs
        6. 限制條件 Constraints
        7. 假設事項 Assumptions
      2. T&T
        1. 自家或外購分析 Make-or-buy analysis
        2. 專家判斷 Expert judgment
        3. 合約類型選擇 Contract type selection
      3. Output
        1. 採購管理計畫 Procurement management plan
        2. 工作條款 Statement(s) of work
    2. 邀商規劃 Solicitation Planning
      1. Input
        1. 採購管理計畫 Procurement management plan
        2. 工作條款 Statement(s) of work
        3. 其他規劃之產出 Other planning inputs
      2. T&T
        1. 標準格式 Standard forms
        2. 專家判斷 Expert judgment
      3. Output
        1. 採購文件 Procurement documents
        2. 評選規範 Evaluation criteria
        3. 工作條款更新 Statement of work updates
    3. 邀商作業 Solicitation
      1. Input
        1. 採購文件 Procurement documents
        2. 合格賣方名錄 Qualified seller lists
      2. T&T
        1. 投標人會議 Bidder conferences
        2. 廣告 Advertising
      3. Output
        1. 建議書 Proposals
    4. 商源評選 Source Selection
      1. Input
        1. 建議書 Proposals
        2. 評選準則 Evaluation criteria
        3. 組織政策 Organizational policies
      2. T&T
        1. 合約談判 Contract negotiation
        2. 加權評估系統 Weighting system
        3. 篩選評估系統 Screening system
        4. 獨立評估 Independent estimates
      3. Output
        1. 合約 Contract
    5. 履約管理 Contract Administration
      1. Input
        1. 合約 Contract
        2. 工作結果 Works results
        3. 變更請求 Change requests
        4. 賣方帳單 Seller invoices
      2. T&T
        1. 合約變更控制系統 Contract change control system
        2. 績效報告 Performance reporting
        3. 付款系統 Payment system
      3. Output
        1. 書面往來文件 Correspondence
        2. 合約變更 Contract Changes
        3. 付款請求 Payment requests
    6. 合約終結 Contract Closeout
      1. Input
        1. 合約文件 Contract documentation
      2. T&T
        1. 採購稽核 Procurement audits
      3. Output
        1. 合約檔案 Contract file
        2. 正式接受與終結 Formal acceptance and closure