Für die aktuellste Version (XMind 8 v3.7.9) besuchen Sie bitte unsere Download-Seite.
XMind 7.5 (v3.6.52)
Release date: 1 Feb, 2018.
All Changes of XMind 7 (v3.6.0)
New Features
- A Brand New UI
- A New Home Panel
- Huge Improvements on Gantt Chart
- Information Card
- Comments
- Callout
- Export/Print Outline
- Multi-page Print
- Timeline
- New Themes with 10 New Fonts
Major Improvements
- Share to Biggerplate.com
- Inspector View
- Add another Matrix (structure) which uses topics as columns.
- Show/Edit task info (Start/End Date, Assignee, Priority and Progress) directly in Gantt Chart.
- Export Gantt Chart to Image/PDF.
- Print Gantt Chart.
- Add "hide collapse/expand icon" option while printing/exporting to image/PDF/SVG.
- Export the entire workbook to Excel.
- Show all notes in Notes View.
- Copy/Paste style.
- New Window Menu.
- Only calculate work days for tasks.
- Add a size hint while making a map shot.
- New topic shapes: Circle, Parallelogram, Cloud.
- New boundary shapes: Polygon and Rounded Polygon.
- Wallpaper Patterns.
- New designed color palette.
- New color set for Multi Branch Colors.
- Add Task Assignee option in Advanced Filter View.
- Delete the same markers of the map.
- Clear all the markers of a topic.
- Add "Save As" option to Image/Attachment/Audio Notes.
- URL/Email auto detection.
- Support Microsoft Project 2010 file format for exporting.
- Real previews in Theme View.
- Many other minor improvements.
Fixed Bugs
- Fix a bug that causes task info to export unsuccessfully while exporting to Excel.
- Fix an issue that causes XMind to crash on Ubuntu while choosing Web Browser under Preferences.
- Fix an issue that causes the exported SVG file to display abnormally.
- Fix an issue that causes characters missing while printing map.
- Fix an issue that causes boundary not to show normally while the boundary title text is too long.
- Fix an issue that subtopics of floating topic can not be exported while exporting to Excel.
- Fix a bug that after downloading a public map from XMind.net, the task dependencies of the map disappear.
- Fix a bug that causes text to disappear while press "CTRL+I" in Note view.
- Fix an issue that causes exporting to Word not successfully.
- Fix an issue that causes encryption not to work after force quiting XMind procedure.
- Fix a bug that topic structure changes in drill down mode.
- Fix an issue that image in notes disappears while importing a Mindmanager file.
XMind 6 (v3.5.3)
Release date: 18 Jun, 2015. Build ID:
All Changes of XMind 6 (v3.5.3)
Fixed Bugs
- Fixed an issue that causes the Linux 64-bit install package not to work.
- Fixed an issue that causes some Korean and Chinese fonts can not show normally on the map.
- Fixed an bug that the width of topic can not be changed in Brainstorming mode.
XMind 6 (v3.5.2)
Release date: 27 April, 2015. Build ID:
All Changes of XMind 6 (v3.5.2)
- Add a language change option to Preferences.
- Improve theme usage experience. When applying a theme, users can now choose from overriding all custom styles in the target map or keeping them.
- Improve export experiences.
- Add Danish and Japanese "Welcome to XMind" map guide under help menu.
- Modify the translation errors in Japanese, Russian, French language pack.
Fixed Bugs
- Fixed an issue that causes some text to disappear after exporting to PDF (Map) on Ubuntu.
- Fixed some issues that cause XMind to crash after exporting to Microsoft Word and PDF Document on Ubuntu.
- Fixed an internal error occurred during: "Template Image Loader".
- Fixed an error while saving to Evernote under the Drill Down mode.
- Fixed a bug that causes the exported Microsoft Project file to contain Chinese text.
- Fixed an issue that causes "export to Microsoft PPT" not working.
- Fixed an issue that causes XMind to crash while using "Alt +DownArrow" shortcut under Filter mode.
- Fixed a bug that causes text typed in editing box to disappear after switching between sheets.
- Fixed an issue that the wallpaper can't be removed after set by a theme containing it.
- Fixed a bug that causes file hyperlinks pointing to LAN locations to be recognized as relative paths.
- Other minor bug fixes.
XMind 6 (v3.5.1)
Releasedatum: 12 November, 2014. Build ID:
Alle Neuerungen in XMind 6 (v3.5.1)
- Hinzufügen der italienischen Sprachpakete.
- Aktualisierung der Sprachpakete für Deutsch, Französisch, Dänisch, Japanisch, Koreanisch, vereinfachtes Chinesisch, traditionelles Chinesisch, brasilianisches Portugiesisch.
- Ändern des Standardformats für Bildexport in PNG.
Behobene Bugs
- Behebt ein Problem, dass die Stil-Funktion unter Ubuntu nicht verwendet werden kann.
- Behebt ein Problem, dass Ideenfabrik im Multi-Monitor-Betrieb nicht angezeigt wird.
- Behebt ein Problem, dass der Stil des Arbeitsblatts nach dem Erstellen oder Speichern eines neuen Themes verloren wird.
- Behebt ein Problem, dass manchmal die Mindmap in Microsoft Powerpoint nicht exportiert werden kann.
- Behebt ein Problem, dass einige Hyperlinks nicht richtig weitergeleitet werden können.
- Behebt einige Fehler beim Import/Export MS Word/PPT/Project.
XMind 6
Releasedatum: 31 Oktober, 2014. Build ID:
Alle Neuerungen in XMind 6 (v3.5.0)
Neue Funktionen
- Neu gestalteter Brainstorming-Modus
- Speichern in Evernote
- Export nach Microsoft Project
- Export nach Open Office (ODF)
- Erweiterter Theme-Editor
- Importieren/Exportieren von/nach XMind Ressourcenbündel
- Index-Ansicht
- Mehr Themes, Stile und Markierungen.
- Hinzufügen von Berechtigungen im Lokalen Netwerk-Sharing
- Neu organisierte und verbesserte Symbolleiste, Möglichkeit zum Anpassen der Position der Symbolleiste
- Java 7 in XMind für Mac einbetten. Keine Notwendigkeit mehr für manuelle Installation von Java
- Integration der Stil-Ansicht in Eigenschaftenansicht. Hinzufügen der Option “Stil zurücksetzen“
- Reorganisieren der Menü Ansicht, Hinzufügen eines Untermenüs statt des Ansicht-Dialogfelds
- Neues Benachrichtigungsfenster
- Neues Arbeitsblatt aus Formatvorlagen.
- Eine Option zum Ausblenden von kostenpflichtigen Features
- Hinzufügen der neuen "Struktur ausgewogene Map"
- Verbessertes Kontextmenü
- Neuer Farbwähler
- Verbesserter Export in Excel
- Hinzufügen eines Zoomwerts von 120% beim Verkgrößern/Verkleinern der Map
- Viele andere kleine Verbesserungen
Behobene Bugs
- Unter Windows (Portable-Version) und Ubuntu verschwindet das Startbild nicht, nachdem XMind erfolgreich gestartet wurde.
- Beim Erzeugen eines Links zu einem Knoten in XMind ist Öffnen dieses Links nach dem Export in das PDF-Dokument fehlgeschlagen.
- Teil des Textes der Aufgaben in der Gantt-Ansicht wurde geschnitten.
- Fehler beim Ändern der Dauer durch Ziehen der Taskleiste in der Gantt-Ansicht.
- Die Hintergrundfarbe eines/er Bild/Markierung im Knoten wird schwarz abgedeckt oder nach dem Export in PDF-Map geändert.
- Die Tastenkombination Strg + "+/-" kann nicht im Präsentationsmodus zum Vergrößern/Verkleinern der Map verwendet werden.
- Mit einem langen Textinhalt der Aufgabe in der Aufgabeninfo-Ansicht werden alle Buttons auf der rechten Seite nur angezeigt, wenn der Textinhalt vollständig angezeigt wird.
- Der interne Web-Browser kann nicht unter Ubuntu verwendet werden.
- Fehler beim Öffnen des Anhangs nach dem Export in PDF-Dokument
- Fehler beim Öffnen des absoluten und relativen Links zur Datei und zum Ordner nach dem Export in Word; Fehler beim Öffnen des relativen Links zur Datei nach dem Export in HTML.
- Fehler beim Importieren der MS Word Dateien, die Tabelle(n) enthalten.
- Wenn der Hauptknoten einen Nummerierungsstil auswählt, kann der gleiche Nummerierungsstil auf den Unterpunkt vom Freitext nicht angewendet werden.
- Wenn Sie die Notiz im Notiz-Editor bearbeiten und dann direkt XMind schließen, werden Sie nicht dazu aufgefordert, die geänderten Notizen zu speichern. Das führt zum Verloren der Änderung der Notiz.
- Aktivieren des Brainstorming-Modus während des Bearbeitungsmodus eines Knotens führt zur Misshandlung der Tastatur.
- Relativer Hyperlink wird in der exportierten PDF-Dokument-Datei absoluter Hyperlink.
- "Nummerieren bis"-Einstellung wird nach dem Export nach Word ungültig, wenn es nummerierten Dateiinhalt gibt.
- Auto-Nummerierung wird nach dem Export in Excel entfernt.
- Hintergrundfarbe für Text in Notiz wird nach dem Export in Word schwarz, falls es Text in Fettschrift in Notiz gibt.
- Normalerweise werden die Notizen nach dem Import einer Mindmanager-Datei in XMind angezeigt. Aber nach dem Export von XMind in einem PDF- und Word-Dokument werden die Notizen in Schwarz ausgefüllt.
- Teil der Inhalte in XMind geht nach dem Import von Word verloren.
- Aufforderung zur Installation von Bonjour bei jedem Starten von XMind unter Windows.
- Der Zoom-Schieberegler wurde fälschlicherweise auf Mac angezeigt.
- Viele andere kleine Bug-Fixes.
XMind 2013 SE
Release date: 22 January, 2014. Build ID:
Changes of XMind 2013 SE (v3.4.1)
New Features
- All New Designed "Brainstorming Mode".
- Save to Evernote.
- Advanced Theme Editor.
- Index View.
- Export to Microsoft Project.
- Export to Open Office (ODF).
- More themes, styles and markers.
- Import & Export XRB/XMind Resource Bundle.
- Add permissions in Local Network Sharing.
- Reorganized and improved toolbar, customize toolbar position.
- On Mac, XMind embeds Java 7 and no need to manually install Java anymore.
- Integrate Style View into Properties View. Add "reset style" option.
- Reorganize View Menu, add a sub-menu instead of the Views Dialog.
- New style notification window.
- New Sheet From Template.
- An option to hide paid features from menu and toolbar.
- Add a new balanced map structure.
- Improved context menu.
- New color picker.
- Improved Export to Excel.
- Add 120% value between 100% and 150% when zoom in/out a map.
- Many other minor improvements.
Fixed Bugs
- On Windows (Portable version) and Ubuntu, the splash image won't disappear after XMind was successfully launched.
- When copy a link onto a topic in XMind, after export to PDF document, the link was failed to be opened.
- Part of task text was cut off in Gantt View.
- Fail to change the duration by dragging the task bar in Gantt View.
- The background color of a image/marker in a topic was covered in black or changed after exporting to PDF Map.
- The keyboard shortcut Ctrl + "+/-" can not be used to zoom in/out in Presentation Mode.
- In Task Info View, if the text content of a task is too long, all buttons on the right side will not be displayed until the text content is displayed in full.
- The internal web browser can not be used on Ubuntu.
- Fail to open attachment(s) after exporting to PDF Document.
- After exporting to Word, absolute link and relative link to file and folder are both failure; after exporting to HTML, only the relative link to file is failure.
- Fail to import MS Word files that contain Table(s).
- When main topic select a numbering style, the subtopic of floating topic can not select the same numbering style.
- The MindMapEditor is not dirty when editing notes in the floating notes editor, which causes that you will not be prompted to save the modified notes while directly closing XMind.
- Entering brainstorming mode while a topic is in edit mode will lead to mishandling of keyboard event.
- Relative hyperlink becomes absolute link in the exported PDF Document file.
- "Numbering Level Until" setting will be invalid after exporting to Word if the file has already included numbering.
- AutoNumbering was removed after exporting to Excel.
- The text's background of notes will be black after exporting to Word if the notes include bold font.
- The notes shows normally after importing a Mindmanager file into XMind. But after exporting from XMind to PDF Document and Word, the notes part will be filled in black.
- Part of contents was lost in XMind after importing from Word.
- On Windows, there may be a prompt to stall Bonjour service everytime while launching XMind.
- Many other minor bugs fixed.
XMind 2013
Release date: 5 November, 2013. Build ID:
Changes of XMind 2013 (v3.4.0)
New Features
- Local Networking Sharing (huge new feature that costs us one year to ship)
- Enable export to Microsoft Word/PPT/Excel across all platforms, e.g. Mac OS X and Linux (huge new feature)
- Export to Microsoft Excel/CSV
- Export to SVG (in vectors)
- Import from Microsoft Word
- Merge XMind workbooks
- New Style Editor
- New marker design and more markers
- Print whole workbook
- Reduce file size
- More templates (flow-chart, personal management etc.)
- Improved Export to Word/PPT/PDF/HTML
- Export to PDF(Map) in vector graphics
- Improved Import from Mindjet Mindmanager
- Gallery renamed to "Clip Art", and new lovely clip art
- Support for input method editor (IME) in in-place topic title editing (a big usability improvement for CJK and some European users)
- New preference options to change the default behaviour of dragging/dropping external files
- Re-calculate relative file hyperlinks on saving
- Synchronized topic selection between editor and Gantt view
- Each marker group is an expandable section in Markers view
- Markers are resized automatically to fit topic font size
- The order of markers in a topic is fixed to be as same as the order in Markers view
- Turn off topic filter's highlight effect after deleting the marker used for the filter
- Embed JRE in Windows installation folder
- Increase the maximum memory settings for Windows versions
- Many other smaller improvements
Fixed Bugs
- On Windows, XMind fails to launch after Java upgraded to 1.7
- On Windows, closing a loading browser editor causes script error and XMind hanging
- On Mac OS X, the menu bar is still hidden when pressing "Esc" key to quit the Brainstorming or Presentation mode
- On Mac OS X with Java 7 installed, XMind fails to open files with non-ASCII characters in their name
- On Ubuntu 12.04 in German language, almost all key bindings are broken and it's impossible to type any word in topic
- Hyperlinks are exported into unrecognizable code
- XMind fails to locate collapsed topics when double-clicking them from search result
- Hyperlinks in notes are exported as plain text to Word or PPT
- Non-ASCII characters in file name are shown as "?" in recent opened file list
- Topic's fill color, line color and line thickness property is not effective when applying an extracted theme
- On Windows, XMind fails to conduct relative file hyperlinks across different drivers
- Error occurs when XMind tries to open a removed/renamed home map on startup
- Error occurs when clicking a removed/renamed file in recent opened file
- Error occurs while exporting large mind maps to PDF (Map)
- XMind crashes by clicking on the "Label" action in the context menu of the hyperlink/notes icon within the topic
- On Mac OS X, double click on an XMind file in Finder to launch XMind causes an additional editor opened with errors
- Some multi-thread access issues related to Save operation
- Many other smaller bug fixes
XMind 2012 SE
Release date: 25 December, 2012. Build ID:
Changes of XMind 2012 SE (v3.3.1)
New Features
- Korean language support.
- A per-file option is provided to enable/disable automatic revision generation.
- View/clear license information in License dialog.
- Auto update support for Windows/Mac OS X.
- Support directly opening a map shared on XMind.net.
Fixed Bugs
- Some bugs that caused startup crashes on Windows.
- Some bugs that caused failure when uploading mindmap to XMind.net.
- Network proxy settings finally works by completely rewriting underlying internet connection infrastructure.
- Pressing 'Enter' key to type literal words using some input methods finishes topic title editing on Mac OS X.
- Subtopics missing in images when exporting to HTML/PDF/Word etc.
- Extracted themes/styles can not be renamed.
- File hyperlink pointing to a location in local area network is regarded as a broken relative link.
- Dependency lines is not hidden when its predecessor/successor task is hidden by folding in Gantt chart.
- Hyperlink in notes causes failure of exporing to Mindjet MindManager.
- Icons of .xmind files are displayed as unrecognized files on Windows.
- Dragging a folder into XMind results into a broken link.
- Notes view still shows spelling errors even when spelling check is turned off in preferences.
- Error occurred when started creating a boundary without any topic selected in prior.
- "New" dialog still shows in some cases when opening a .xmind file by double-clicking.
- Opens attachment/linked file in embeded Word/PPT inside Explorer on some Windows machines.
- Find/Replace dialog gets crowded if the topic has a long title
- Debian package contains 'bad permission' files
- Other minor bugs
XMind 2012
Release date: 10 August, 2012. Build ID:
Changes of XMind 2012 (v3.3.0)
New Features
- New business model.
- New Gantt Chart.
- Revisions view.
- Search content in xmind file on Mac via spotlight.
- Spellcheck view.
- Qiucklook attachment/image on Mac.
- Based on Eclipse 3.7.2.
- 'Double click to open' works better and more stable.
- Support dragging file onto XMind icon to open on Mac.
- Portrait/Landscape options in 'Page Setup' dialog.
- New 'Extract and Apply' option after extracting theme.
- Improve file save/open process.
- Improved performance after enabling auto save.
- Show proper error message after failure to export to PDF(map).
- 'Upload' is renamed to 'Share'.
- While saving the preview image in xmind file, save file's center position at the same time.
- Default format of preview image changed to PNG.
- The Open dialog points to Documents folder when being first used, and points to last time path in future usage.
- Drill down into a topic, the Gantt chart shows only the current map's topics.
- Internal browser works well on windows.
- Map won't scroll automatically when selecting multiple elements.
- When opening a .xmind file using double click, no extra blank map will be open.
- Use platform-specific solution to open file hyperlink/attachment.
- Find/Replace no longer messes across editor and notes view.
- When closing XMind, unsaved workbooks will be asked to save one by one instead of an aggregate dialog.
- Improve the shortcuts under Brainstorming mode.
- Improve the proxy settings.
- Improve the new file dialog.
- Many other improvements, like new splash, new about dialog.
Fixed Bugs
- Can't drag file into xmind as attachment on linux.
- Default color of Notes view is white on linux.
- Moving multiple floating topics at the same time, they will lose the relative postion.
- In a drilled down map, after moving the central topic and a floating topic at the same time, the central topic will be lost when drilled back up.
- Ctrl+s can not save the file in brainstorming mode.
- The date info in Taskinfo view does not update if always let xmind open.
- The status of new imported map from MindManager/FreeMind is saved. User can not save it directly unless making one modification.
- Yes/No icons in Freemind become question mark marker after importing.
- If there are topic links between sheets, xmind failed to export map to PDF(document).
- Quotation marks in labels will cause exporting to Word/PPT fail.
- The suggested file name will be not right when exporting a map with a multi-line titled central topic to PDF.
- Spell mistake in the export dialog.
- On Windows, if setting the xmind portable as default program of .xmind files and double-clicking .xmind to open it,there will be special folder at the same level with that .xmind file.
- Press shift key to select multiple topics, then copy and paste to another topic, the pasted topics' order is not right.
- Some other small bugs.