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Xmind Logo Guidelines

Here, we provides a detailed introduction to Xmind's brand logo system, aiming to ensure the correct and consistent usage of our brand identity across various contexts.

Minimum Size


Minimum height for the Xmind logotype when used on screens is 44px.


Minimum height for the Xmind logotype when used in print is 5mm.

Safe Area

Full Emblem

To determine the spacing, use the letter "o" with the same font size as the Xmind logotype.


To determine the spacing, use the letter "o" with the same font size as the Xmind logotype.

Primary Symbol

The safe area spacing must be no smaller than 150% of the primary symbol's dimensions.

Partner Co-Branding

Co-Branding Rules

When the full emblem of Xmind appears alongside other brand emblems, it is crucial to maintain sufficient spacing. The recommended spacing between the Xmind full emblem and other brand emblems should be 2X.

Incorrect Applications

Using unauthorized colors

Arbitrary distortion

Arbitrary modification of symbol

Unauthorized arrangement

Arbitrary logotype case changes

Independent use of symbol logo

Usage Agreement

Please carefully read the "Xmind Brand Logo Usage Agreement". Downloading Xmind logo resources implies your agreement to and compliance with the "Usage Agreement."

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Xmind Logo Resources

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