Xmind (2024) Beta
Release Notes
Important Updates
- Collaborate in real-time, sharing and editing mind maps with your team instantly;
- Organize and manage your team’s files with enhanced features and shared spaces;
- Brand-new interface that simplifies your mind mapping experience;
- Introduced a new text style — underline;
- Enabled the import of iThoughts mind map files.
- Grid structure now supports customizing border styles;
- Optimized certain UI animations, including panel transitions and hover effects;
- Optimized the loading visuals when inserting images;
- Optimized certain UI designs and text;
- Enhanced the auto-naming logic for cloud files;
- Fixed a potential error when creating a new template;
- Fixed some other known issues.
Important Updates
- Added the feature to Display/Hide Note content in the topic;
- Added substructures of Tree Chart: left-aligned branch, right-aligned branch.
- Grid structure supports modifying cell alignment and fill color;
- Optimized the experience when selecting Image;
- Optimized the map display position when opening files;
- Fixed the issue of discontinuity in Map Shot screenshots;
- Fixed the possible error when cutting in edit mode;
- Fixed the issue of displaying blank labels when switching matrix to other structures;
- Fixed the issue of recognizing the Enter key as a line feed under Korean input method in Outliner;
- Fixed the issue that the line style option for Relationships might not be selectable on Windows;
- Fixed some other known issues.
Important Updates
- Grid: Versatile structure for innovative, flexible layouts and vertical mind mapping;
- New Skeletons: 10+ more creative skeletons, more diverse combinations of styles.
- Added the support for exporting to JPEG;
- Added quick methods for selecting multiple elements;
- Optimized the experience of copy-pasting;
- Fixed some other known issues.
- Added a feature that applies the selected numbering style to sibling topics;
- The Matrix structure has been updated with options for "fewer borders" and "more borders";
- Optimized the experience of Image Frame;
- Fixed an issue where some equations could not be displayed in Outliner;
- Fixed some other known issues.
Important Updates
New Templates - Explore 100+ templates designed to enhance your creativity and efficiency.
- Added an "Auto Sort" switch when inserting label;
- Added customized shortcuts for numbering;
- Optimized the experience of the main menu on Windows;
- Fixed an error during login;
- Fixed an issue where text might disappear when creating a new line in Outliner;
- Fixed some other known issues.
Important Updates
- Added more Color Themes;
- Added more Illustrations;
- Added more NeverMind family fonts.
- Added exclusive app icon for the beta version ;
- Optimized the experience of Relationship;
- Fixed some other known issues.
Important Updates
- Rich Text Styles - Supports setting styles for selected texts within the topic;
- Numbering - Automatic generation of numbers for the topic;
- Image Frame - More effects can be added to the exported image.
- Added the image preview feature;
- Fixed the issue where setting font size would affect other topics;
- Fixed the issue where in special circumstances, clicking on inserted file/folder links did not respond;
- Fixed the issue where the space character could not be searched;
- Fixed some other known issues.
- Added Task Tracking;
- Support Apple Handoff;
- Added specific error message prompts related to Evernote;
- Automatically focus on corresponding topic when Audio Note recording ends;
- Optimized logic for handling multiple files with encryption opened at the same time;
- Optimized insert in Outliner;
- Optimized switch appearance in ZEN Mode;
- Fixed the issue that could not insert folders with special characters properly;
- Fixed the issue that file loading would freeze when merging windows after minimizing them;
- Fixed the issue that insert some elements into topic in Outliner would cause Central Topic element to be lost;
- Fixed the issue that images, markers etc. could not be dragged into central topic in Outliner;
- Fixed the issue that local folders in topics could not be modified;
- Fixed the problem of errors when merging multiple Xmind windows;
- Fixed the problem of errors when uploading local images.