Xmind Logo Guidelines
Brand Logo
Full Emblem
The full emblem of Xmind is composed of a symbol and logotype, and it plays a central role in our products and digital marketing. It is strictly prohibited to modify, distort, or reproduce the emblem in any way.
The Xmind logotype is an instantly recognizable brand element that represents our brand image. It is strictly prohibited to modify, distort, or redraw the Xmind logotype in any way.
Primary Symbol
In certain cases such as social media, where the use of logotype or full emblem is not feasible, primary symbol can independently represent the Xmind brand. It is strictly prohibited to modify, distort, or reproduce primary symbol in any way.
*The primary symbol also serves as the monochrome representation of the Xmind symbol on a single-color background.
Minimum Size
Minimum height for the Xmind logotype when used on screens is 44px.
Minimum height for the Xmind logotype when used in print is 5mm.
Safe Area
Full Emblem
To determine the spacing, use the letter "o" with the same font size as the Xmind logotype.
To determine the spacing, use the letter "o" with the same font size as the Xmind logotype.
Primary Symbol
The safe area spacing must be no smaller than 150% of the primary symbol's dimensions.
Partner Co-Branding
Co-Branding Rules
When the full emblem of Xmind appears alongside other brand emblems, it is crucial to maintain sufficient spacing. The recommended spacing between the Xmind full emblem and other brand emblems should be 2X.
Incorrect Applications
Arbitrary distortion
Arbitrary modification of symbol
Arbitrary logotype case changes
Independent use of symbol logo

Usage Agreement
Please carefully read the "Xmind Brand Logo Usage Agreement". Downloading Xmind logo resources implies your agreement to and compliance with the "Usage Agreement."
Show full contentXmind Brand Logo Usage Agreement
- Users should use Xmind brand logos in accordance with the aforementioned guidelines and must not make arbitrary changes or alterations.
- At no time should users employ Xmind brand logos for any activities that may be illegal, fraudulent, misleading, or contrary to public decency.
- Users are prohibited from using Xmind brand logos in any manner that may cause confusion or mislead third parties. The logos must not be used to impersonate the identity of Xmind or engage in any actions that may create a false association between the user and Xmind.
- They must not be used for any products, brands, or services unrelated to Xmind.
- Any actions that may harm the rights and interests of Xmind or third parties are strictly prohibited.
- If users violate the usage guidelines and agreement or engage in any activities that may affect the rights and interests of Xmind or third parties, Xmind reserves the right to immediately and permanently revoke the usage of Xmind brand logos by the infringing user. In the event of any loss or damage suffered by Xmind or third parties, the infringing user will be held legally responsible.
- Xmind shall not be held liable for any direct or indirect losses, claims, or liabilities arising from the user's use of logo resources.
- Xmind reserves the right to modify or update this "Usage Agreement" at any time.