Why XMind 8 activation fails?
If activation failure occurred, please kindly check the reasons below along with possible solutions.
Incorrect Software Version: Make sure you’re using the correct software version. XMind 8 Pro license key is exclusively for activating XMind 8, rather than previous versions of XMind 8 or other products.
Incomplete Serial Number: XMind Pro license key contains 5 lines of a combination of numbers and letters. Please copy and paste a complete serial number when activating the license key.
Exceed License Limited Devices: One XMind Pro license key supports 2 computers. If your license key exceeds computer limits in the XMind Software License Terms, a new product key is required to be purchased.
Non-official Download: The activation fails if you are using a counterfeit copy of XMind which is not published officially. Please click Here to download XMind.
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