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Classic and Popular Mind Mapping App

Millions of people choose XMind 8 Pro because of its awesome usability, friendly interface, and excellent features.

Buy Now for US $129
  1. Free updates for XMind Pro 8.x version. Upgrade from XMind Pro 7.x
  2. Lifelong use.
  3. One license can be used on 2 personal Macs/Pcs devices.
  4. 100% 7-day money back guarantee.

Special Offer for Education/NPO and Governments

Volume License Key

We provide premium service for large customers all over the world, like HPE, Europe Parliament, and Angry Birds. The volume license key serves all sizes of teams, from startups to companies with even hundreds of thousands of users. Please tell us your organization's requirements and we'll contact back in the first time and offer the best price.

Besides, with its feature of open-source (except some professional features), XMind makes it possible for you to integrate the software into your product, store data into XMind files, or even build your own mind mapping app based on XMind. And we are eager to see that.

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