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Mind Mapping

Productivity is what matters most.

Mind Mapping
Mind Map structure in XMind contains a root in the center, with main branches radiating from it. Besides the basic Mind Map structure, XMind also offers Org-chart, Tree-chart, Logic-chart, etc. These charts will play important roles under various circumstances. More importantly, all these charts can be used within one map!

Business Charts

Extremely helpful for business elites.

XMind offers four amazing structures to help business elites release pressure and improve efficiency. Fishbone Chart visually organizes causal relationships among complex ideas/events. Matrix makes the in-depth comparative analysis for project management possible. Timeline tracks milestones and schedules in chronological order. Org Chart easily presents an overview of an organization.
Business Charts


All thoughts flow into your map.

The new brainstorming mode allows you to classify inspirations in Idea Factory by groups. It enables you to discover clues by evaluating, organizing and connecting your thoughts. Then the solutions hidden will surprise you. The full screen mode helps build a stress-free scene for you to pay all attention to sparkles in your mind.

Presentation Mode

Better presentation experience.

XMind has a very powerful and helpful presentation feature. The Walk Through presentation mode enables you to view & present your ideas from topic to topic and get focused on each particular topic with the help of the darkened background.
Presentation Mode

Slide-based Presentation

Ease your show.

Slide-based Presentation
With our new slide-based presentation, creating, presenting and sharing presentation become easier than ever. Just select the target topic and click the plus button and a new slide will be created automatically. Mind mapping and presenting are harmoniously integrated in one software now.

Fresher workspace UI

Render your work more efficient.

Fresher workspace UI
XMind 8 has a fresher look and feel. When editing, you can quickly open, close and switch views with just one click. This feature increases your work efficiency and improves your mind mapping experience enormously.

Brand New Clip Art

Decorate your maps.

The cool new clip art library helps you decorate your mind maps with ease. To express your thoughts visually, we bring up to 109 newly designed and grouped clip arts in XMind 8. With our brand new clip arts, you can make a more intuitive mind map.
Brand New Clip Art

New Useful Templates

Ready for you, save your time.

New Useful Templates
Get started with an assortment of ready-made and useful mind map templates. It's easy for anyone to create beautiful mind maps using XMind. Time to use mind map templates and save tons of time now. Most importantly, all templates are FREE!

Working with Office/PDF

Communication is simple and easy.

Want to capture the sparkles of your mind and organize them in a structured way when preparing for a meeting or report? Luckily, with XMind, all these can be done easily by simple clicks. You can then export your fruit of work to Office/PDF instantly to facilitate your meeting/report. The export options range from Word, PowerPoint, Excel, PDF, RTF, HTML, Plain Text, to PNG, JPEG, GIF, BMP, SVG, etc.
Working with Office/PDF

Mind Toolbox

Best for Office collaboration.

Relationship is a customized line between any two topics on the map to show some special relation. You can use different shapes, colors to express the meaning, or add direct word description.


Boundary is a closed area over topics. When you want to emphasize some content, or tell readers some special concept, boundary can group these topics together. We also have many styles for your boundary.


Summary adds the summary topic for selected topics at the necessary time in your divergent mind map. Like other types topic, summary topic can change the style, and extend to subtopics.


Marker is widely used in mind maps and plays an important role. It's used to express specific meaning, like priority, progress, risk, feeling, and etc.


Label is a plain text tag that is attached to topics and typically used for simple annotation and categorization. A topic can have multiple labels.


Note is rich text that is used to annotate topics. You can easily create new notes and format existing notes.


You may send your inspirations within an XMind file to colleagues or friends to ask for their comments. Therefore, they can actually comment on your mind maps, instead of modifying them directly.


Callout is a nifty way to insert additional text. In XMind, Callout is not only a shape, but also a real attachment to a topic. It can also breed its own sub-topics.

Information Card
Information Card

XMind features an intuitive and unique way to show detailed information, where the Information Card under every topic allows you to show or hide labels, notes, hyperlinks and tasks.

Save to Evernote

Collaborate with note-taking tool.

Save to Evernote
Save your map as an Evernote note and share it so as to collaborate with others on a project more conveniently. You can save your map to the most popular note-taking tool as a large image, outline text, or even the .xmind file itself.

Themes & Fonts

Beautify your maps.

XMind packs 10 amazing fonts to beautify your mind maps magically. All our fonts are open-sourced and cross-platformed, which ensures the pretty look of your mind maps on both Mac/Windows. Tens of new themes bring incredible experiences for everyone.You can design your own themes with the Advanced Theme Editor.
Themes & Fonts


Local Network Sharing
Local Network Sharing

LNS (Local Network Sharing) allows you to send XMind files easily and quickly to other computers across the LAN. Just drag & drop XMind files to the target LNS view to finish the file-sharing. You can also send messages via LNS to notice your teammates to check your maps.

Drill Down
Drill Down

It's an XMind magic that enables you to focus on a specific branch of your mind map. Selecting one topic and clicking the drill down icon at toolbar, you can show the selected topic and its subtopics on a temporary mind map without distractions from the other topics.

Multi-page Print
Multi-page Print

By printing a large map onto multiple pieces of paper and then taping the pieces together, you won't lose any details of your mind maps. You can also spread them horizontally or vertically over multiple pages for a better overview or to display as a poster.

Map Merge
Map Merge

The Map Merge function can help you organize the information from more than one map by merging two maps together.

Map Shot
Map Shot

Map Shot, different from screen shot, lets you share either the whole or a part of a map with someone else. The area you can choose can form the full map.

Advanced Filter
Advanced Filter

By filtering markers or labels from the large project, we will darken the rest of the map and then focus on the most important tasks.

Powerful Search
Powerful Search

You can find any content in all open files. In this view, you can type the targeted content, modify search options, and check the search result.

Audio Notes
Audio Notes

Helps to capture spoken information during meetings, brainstorming sessions, or other activities. It enables you to annotate topics without typing.

Encrypt with Password
Encrypt with Password

Security is always at the first priority. XMind lets you set a password for your XMind file. Without password, no one can open the file.


When exporting maps to images, you may find them blurred when you zoom in. But now we can check and print your maps at any scale by exporting to SVG.

Online Mind Map Library
Online Mind Map Library

With a free XMind ID, you can publish your mind maps to the online mind map library on It's like an online community.


In this busy world, we're constantly required to do more in less time. Starting with a good template meets the demands of life, work and study.

Clip Art
Clip Art

One principle of mind mapping is: Picture Welcomed. To help express your thought visually, let's spice up your maps with hundreds of clip arts.

XMind Resource Bundle
XMind Resource Bundle

You can package and export your custom themes, templates, clip arts and markers to an XRB file to share with others, in a team, or just across your different devices.

XMind 8 Pro
You and your team will do great things with XMind.
XMind 8 Pro
XMind 8 Pro
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