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Empowering Students with Xmind for Enhanced Planning and Organization - Insights from Brunel University's Assistive Technology Adviser

Stacey Joanthan 5 min read
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Empowering Students with Xmind for Enhanced Planning and Organization - Insights from Brunel University's Assistive Technology Adviser

Stacey Joanthan 5 min read


In the fast-paced world of university life, efficient planning and organization are crucial for success. Students often find themselves overwhelmed with numerous tasks and deadlines, seeking ways to stay on top of their responsibilities. Fortunately, the emergence of Xmind, a versatile mind mapping software, has provided a powerful solution. We had the honor of sitting down with Jonathan Wijnen, the Assistive Technology Adviser and head of the Assistive Technology Center at Brunel University, to gain insights into his remarkable experiences with Xmind in the university setting. With a wealth of knowledge amassed over two years, Jonathan has witnessed firsthand the transformative impact of Xmind on student planning, note-taking, and overall organization. Today, we invite you to join us on an enlightening journey as we explore Jonathan's incredible story and uncover how Xmind can empower university students to excel in their academic pursuits. Get ready to embark on a voyage of enhanced productivity and success!

Self Introduction

Stacey: Could you please share a little bit about yourself?

Jonathan: My name is Jonathan Wijnen and I am the Assistive Technology Adviser and head of the Assistive technology center at Brunel. I have been in this role now for just over 2 years!

Stacey: How did you first come across Xmind, and how long have you been using it?

Jonathan: My predecessor originally brought the software to the university. have been using the software for over 2 years!

Enhancing Student Success

Stacey: What do you use mind maps for in your work and personal life? Would you be willing to share some of your own mind maps?

Jonathan: I use mind maps to show students with additional needs how they can plan, process, and organise their studies or personal lives. This is a great tool for them to help breakdown their thoughts and all their study notes! I personally don’t use mind maps, only in my training sessions.

Stacey: Could you share some more specific use cases or scenarios of how you or someone you know uses Xmind for work or in their personal life?

Jonathan: Students with additional needs sometimes struggle with organisation of their studies and routine in their daily lives. It’s important to show them how to break down or plan this ahead of time so stress can be reduced. Many of my students are currently writing their dissertations and they use mind mapping to plan out the structure and key points needed to focus on. Other case would be students attending lectures and how they can organise their note taking skills. Some students struggle to process what they’ve learnt and keep many documents/notes that can confuse them further. Mind mapping helps to create a visual diagram and puts every everything into one place, improving focus, concentration, organisation and processing abilities.


Improving Personal Skills

Stacey: What changes does Xmind bring to your work and life if there are any?

Jonathan: For me personally, it gives me a sense of planning and organisation skills. It helps me to help others in skills that they might struggle in, giving me a sense of relief and reward.

Favorite Features

Stacey: What is your favourite feature\features in Xmind, and why?

Jonathan: My favourite feature would be the markers and notes button. The markers help students that rely on visual prompts a lot and makes the mind map less boring! The notes feature helps students write little reminders for their mind mapping session or helps to keep notes from other documents on one screen. This is great for putting entire university modules on one map with all the information within the different bubbles.


Tips and Tricks

Stacey: Do you use Xmind in conjunction with any other productivity or efficiency software? If so, how do these tools work together?

Jonathan: Some students use grammar software to support their writing while others use read aloud and dictation software.

Stacey: Do you have any tips or thoughts on using Xmind that you would like to share?

Jonathan: Use a boring template to start with so that you are less distracted by the design. Once you have the core information down on the page, pick a template that suits your topic!

In conclusion, Jonathan's experiences with Xmind illuminate its transformative role in university settings. By enhancing planning, organization, and note-taking, Xmind becomes an indispensable tool for boosting academic performance and alleviating stress. With its intuitive features and remarkable versatility, students can harness the power of Xmind to unlock their full potential and thrive in their educational journey. Xmind becomes the trusted companion that supports their success, empowering them to navigate the challenges of university life with confidence and achieve their goals.

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