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XMind for Desktop: Ongoing Tweaks. Now Release

Anne 3 min read
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XMind for Desktop: Ongoing Tweaks. Now Release

Anne 3 min read


Kiss the summer goodbye, and embrace our latest update for this fall.

New structures, enhanced features, and magical clicks for easy mind mapping are waiting just for you. These tweaks are “ripe” for you to have a bite. Download the latest XMind here while read this blog side by side.

New Timeline Structure

Meet “vertical" and "horizontal (off-axis)”. These 2 new fellas help you to build lovely mind map of timeline in a new vision. Compared with previous timeline, the layout of the latest timeline is elegant with more information.

How it works?

Choose Timeline structure in the pop-up window when launching XMind.
During mind mapping, you can also switch to a timeline in structure of format panel.

Enhanced Pitch Mode

Practice makes perfect, so is the presentation. The enhanced pitch mode supports to present a slideshow in a separate window, while you can write your script, or rehearse it side by side. Joining with new layouts and slide aspect ratio, your presentation is always just right for every occasion.

Export to PPTX/PDF

Organize your ideas in XMind, and keep it in your mind. Export slides in Pitch Mode to PowerPoint/PDF and keep your ideas going elsewhere. Brave your next stage and be a great storyteller.

Improved Note

Note-taking records the essence of the information. In XMind, note is a harbor to store information. Now, insert and edit links in the note, and tap in to a new webpage. Even better, XMind recognizes the links automatically.

Compact Layout

Struggled with mind map printing? Crazy typing Enter just for printing a complete mind map?

Not anymore, with compact layout. With just a click, your mind map will be closely and neatly organized and displayed. Now, you can print a complete mind map without leaving any topics behind.

Justify Topic Alignment

A bit compulsive for the format? Ask for a “precise” mind map and each of the topic are well tailored?

That's what this feature is about. The magical finishing touch for a mind map. Click, and topics of the same level will have the same alignment in a snap.

The latest version is now open to download on our website. Stay tuned for Mac App Store, and auto-update. Have fun with mind mapping ;-)

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