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XMind: ZEN Update 2019 Big Release

XMind: ZEN Update 2019 Big Release

It's the moment! XMind: ZEN Update 2019!

The biggest event of the year is more than an update, XMind: ZEN makes thinking a delight rather than a burden.  Check the highlight features in XMind: ZEN Update 2019 Big Release.

Powerful like you've never seen before!

Outliner - Organize Your Ideas

No matter review, navigate or re-organize your content, Outliner is always the best choice.

Outliner splits the structure lists of all titles or topics of the document, and presents the content in a clear view. Outline is easy to edit, read, and think and making your content logical and completed.


Dark Mode - Inspiration Falls at Night

Dark Mode empowers your concentration at anytime of day.

Inspiration might fall at dark, and capture them can is easier than ever before. Enjoy creating your own mind and farewell to sore eyes. Boosting efficiency while enjoy an aesthetic interface of Dark Mode.


Show Branch Only - Focus on What Matters Most

Too much content might be a sweet torture sometimes.

Show branch only displays the content you want to focus, and keep your concentration on the right track. Reading grand mind map is no longer a distracted thing.


Quick Entry  (Mac Only) - Capture Flashing Ideas

Never miss a single inspiration.

In Quick Entry, input content can be switched into mind map instantly. Flashing ideas' capture and visualization can be time-saving and effortless. Never miss any single idea from your mind.

More to be discovered! More fun for thinking!

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