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4 Steps for a Special Christmas Party with XMind

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4 Steps for a Special Christmas Party with XMind

Dashing through the snow. In a one-horse open sleigh.

O'er the field we go. Laughing all the way.

Merry Christmas, and thank you for letting us be a part of your work and life. This time, we would love to reveal how to create a party plan on mind map with Christmas element.

**Choose a Structure

Choose a structure for creating a general view for your ming map, just like how we pick the Christmas tree. If it follows the time sequence, timeline or tree is easy to catch up on it.


Jot Down Your Plan

Think big about your plan, and think carefully about the details.

Fill in your plan with participants, time and other important information. You might find out that current structure is not enough, or not easy for reading. Simply click current subtopic, and choose another structure to combine with current structure. Even the current structure can be changed at anytime.

After filling the subtopics, drag and drop the topics to make sure they are not confusing. Also, don't forget to check if there's anything left. Tick Auto Balance Map in Map of Format to help maintain a good balance for reading.

This is how it looks right now.


Highlight / Connect the Topics

The content is settled and it seems a little bit plain. Let's use Markers and Relationship and to make the map clearer.

Marker is a delight and catch your attention at the first time. Use it on the content that requires special attention, so you will not skip this part when reading. Besides, you can also use different Markers to display priority, task complete and symbols, or even  your mood.

Christmas is about connection and reunion, and it works for the topics too.

Relationship is the best choice for bringing topics together. You can bring up another topic easily, while remind yourself related information. Write down notice for yourself on the Relationship just in case you forget why they are connected.

Boundary is also a good way to help the significant parts stand out, and help to categorize similar topics. This is how it looks after this phase.


Add Christmas Elements

Speaking of  Christmas, how can we miss the color of it.

You can search for images with Christmas elements to make your , and you can also find your favourite Christmas poster, using the Palette in XMind: ZEN to retrieve the color and apply it right away.

Let's see how it looks now :)

Download here and plan your very own Christmas party for a perfect ending this year.

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